The following collections in the Special and Area Studies Department have been recently processed, expanded or revised at the University of Florida.
Andrew St. George Collection / Guía de la Colección de Andrew St. George, 1947-1999
Manuscripts, drafts, research notes, clippings, newspapers, photographs, books, flyers, and correspondence documenting various political events during the 20th century in the Caribbean and Latin American region by photographer and journalist Andrew St. George.
La colección consiste de manuscritos, borradores, notas de investigación, recortes de periódicos, fotografías, periódicos, libros, folletos y correspondencia que documentan varios eventos políticos durante el siglo XX en Latinoamérica y el Caribe por el fotógrafo y periodista Andrew St. George.
Nineteenth-Century Colonial Cuban Documents Collection / Guía de la Colección de documentos cubanos coloniales del siglo XIX, 1788-1896 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
Manuscripts, official documents, decrees, letters, reports and two illustrations documenting the colonial period in Cuba from 1788 to 1896.
Manuscritos, documentos oficiales, decretos, cartas, reportes y dos ilustraciones que documentan el periodo colonial en Cuba durante los años 1788 hasta 1896.
Richmond Brown Research Collection on the Aycinena family of Guatemala and Central America, 1690-2013
Research materials compiled by Richmond Brown on the Aycinena family of Guatemala and Central America.
Gene Leedy Papers, 1920-2008 (Bulk: 1952-2000)
Rolled drawings, slides, negatives, photographs, presentation photos, scrapbooks, models, and miscellaneous material belonging to Winter Haven Architect, Gene Leedy. Leedy was one of the pioneers of the modern movement in Florida and later one of the founders of the Sarasota School of Architecture. Leedy is most well known for his bold use of precast concrete, especially long-span “double-tee” structural elements.
Historic Preservation Institutes at the University of Florida Records, 1972-2013
General files, reports and terminal projects, photographs, AV, and architectural drawings from the University of Florida’s two Preservation Institutes, Preservation Institute Nantucket and Preservation Institute Caribbean.
Roy Graham Photographs and Publications, 1966-2010 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
Architecture slides used by Roy E. Graham in his Historic Preservation courses at the University of Florida as well as for other various projects he worked on in his career. Also includes some of his writings and publications.
Marianne Schmink Papers, 1970-2020 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
The Marianne Schmink Papers date from 1970 to 2020. This collection includes personal and project documents, correspondence, photographs, magazines, newspapers and clippings, newsletters, maps, audiovisual and digital materials. Most of the documents relate to four different programs and research carried out in the Amazon region: Tropical Conservation and Development Program (TCD), research in Acre and São Félix do Xingu in Brazil, and the Managing Ecosystems and Resources with Gender Emphasis Program (MERGE).
Papers of J. Wayne Reitz, 1925-1997 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
Personal correspondence, speeches and writings, lecture notes, and memorabilia of J. Wayne Reitz, fifth president of the University of Florida.
Records of the University of Florida Student Body Honor Court, 1916-2008 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
Records of the University of Florida Student Body Honor Court and its predecessor, the Executive Committee. These include administrative records, court decisions, case files, scrapbooks, portrait photos of chancellors and audiovisual material.
Hughes, Paul A.: Collection of Caribbean Stereographs / Guía de la Colección de Fotografías Estereográficas del Caribe por Paul A. Hughes, 1898-1908 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
This collection includes 237 stereograph images showcasing scenes and views of the Greater and Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea.
La colección incluye 237 fotografías estereoscópicas que muestran escenas y vistas tomadas en las Antillas Mayores y Menores. La colección también incluye fotografías estereoscópicas de la Guerra Hispano-Cubano-Norteamericana.
Administrative Records of the University of Florida Fine Arts College Office of the Dean, 1925-2015 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
Files, correspondence, scrapbooks, oral histories, memorabilia, photos and slides from the office of the Dean of the Fine Arts College (currently the College of the Arts) at the University of Florida.