Fall Fest 2023 Garners Over 650 Visitors

Student Outreach


October 10th at the Reitz Union

Students being handed library swag at FallFest 2023

This past week we had another successful Fall Fest! We want to thank all the students and staff who came out to celebrate with us. We also want to thank the volunteers who are the backbone of the fest and make it a great event. The theme this year was “Libraries give you Superpowers!” With over 650 people participating in the event this year, we hope to bring even more out next year.

Fall Fest began in 2019 out of a desire to widen the Smathers Libraries’ reach to the UF student community. This event aims to promote library services and provide information and outreach to new and returning UF students during the fall semester. Fall Fest is a fun and engaging way to learn about the libraries and embodies libraries’ mission to facilitate knowledge and creation while encouraging creativity and inquiry. Each year the Fall Fest planning committee strives to inform all students about the libraries and foster excitement about our six unique branches that are made up of far more than just books.

What is fall fest?


The physical spaces encompass six branches each dedicated to different disciplines. These include Architecture and Fine Arts which is located near the Fine Arts building, the Education Library next to Norman Hall, the Health Science Center Library in the Communicore building near Shands, Marston Science Library located in Turlington Plaza, Library West located near Plaza of the Americas and Smathers Library right next to Library West. Each library has something to offer for every student on campus along with librarians who specialize in almost every subject offered on campus.

Our circulating items include physical materials that can be borrowed from the libraries like books and DVDs. The libraries also offer opportunities where students can borrow out technology and equipment to aid in assignments or personal projects.  The Libraries offer everything from typewriters to cameras and even podcasting equipment.

Finally, the virtual services include a myriad of databases that students can access. The libraries offer free subscriptions to newspapers, a multitude of films to stream online, and digital collections that are archived and downloadable for their use.

Through a series of quick visits to each station at the event, students discover new and unique services available to them, even if they already have a favorite library they visit regularly. We want our students to learn something in those moments with us, and we hope they leave with an armload of cool library swag and the knowledge that there is an army of library professionals ready to help them navigate their college years.

Map of the libraries

Map of the uf libraries

Want to let us know how we can improve Fall Fest? Click the button below!