The Libraries’ hosted another successful round of Halloween events with Library West’s Hallowest and Smather’s Magic of the Libraries. 150 students came out to Hallowest and followed along the scavenge hunt that took them through the building. There were five stations set up to show students all of the resources that Lib West has to offer. The event was created by the Library West Outreach & Student Engagement Committee (led by Lisa Campbell & Sarah Erekson). Hallowest was staffed by Westers from all over the building and a few members of LTS. The “finish line” table volunteers reported receiving constant “thank you’s” from the students and so many comments about how much fun they had.
Just around the corner, there was even more fun to be had at Smathers Library. When you entered the building an archway of spider webs and Jack Skelenton were there to greet you. All along the stairs flew ghosts and bats. The Grand Reading Room held the main event where students could see rare books, pop-up maps, and plenty other Smathers Special Collection items. From the start to end, students could be seen smiling and engaging with all of our employees, they even had a group waiting outside the event to open.
Overall, both Halloween events connected students to the Libraries as they do each year, and we look forward to to seeing what the next year brings. Check out the photos from both events below!
Hallowest at Library West

Magic of the Libraries at Smathers